This selection from New York Police Chief George Matsell's Vocabulum, or the Rogue’s Lexicon, a collection of criminal slang, is amazing. It's available here in its entirety. Here are some words for you. See if you can work them into conversation tomorrow. Altitudes: A state...
Doing a little background research for my book yesterday, I stumbled across an issue of Dialect Notes from 1927, a publication of the American Dialect Society. In an article entitled.
Some of you are probably hanging out with friends today, what with it a nice August Saturday and all. See how many archaic words for genitalia you can drop in.
Language is always changing. I find the organic transformation of language quite fascinating, even when it leads to new forms of language that drive some people crazy, like using the word "grow" in ways such as "growing the economy." I think my support for changing...