Occupy Oakland asked me to write a document for them about general strikes in American history as they educated themselves about the action they planned for today. Of course, I.
Yesterday, Occupy Oakland approved a motion for a general strike, to be called for November 2. I'm curious to see where this goes. General strikes have always had trouble gaining.
According to Mike Elk's Twitter feed (@mikeelk), the Newspaper Guild and National Writers Union have called off the boycott of Huffington Post as Arianna Huffington has agreed to a statement.
There is a professional sport lockout going on, which means that an owner is engaged in egregious dissembling. But much of the sports media being what is, he doesn't even.
Via Mother Jones is this superb site called Vulgar Army highlighting the use of the octopus in history to illustrate the evil power of corporations or other sites of power..
Atrios points us to this piece on supermarkets pulling back from the self-checkout stands. I am very glad to see this. As Atrios points out, these things are nothing more.
In a huge victory for the United Auto Workers, the union signed a new contract with General Motors that actually improves workers' lives rather than accept rollbacks. Starting workers get.
On September 17, 1989, 98 miners and one minister conducted a peaceful takeover of the Pittston Moss 3 Coal Preparation Plant. The Pittston strike was one of the most brutal.