La Althouse
Shorter Differently phrased Ann Althouse: "I don't understand how the Times can say that the entirely baseless controversy about the place of birth of the candidate in the 2008 election.
Congratulations to our friends at Feministing for receiving a richly deserved Sidney Hillman Foundation award. Oddly, the foundation used the metric of reading the blog's content rather than the conservative.
TBogg notes that we've apparently been zinged by Rebecca Black: I enjoy a good blog war as much as the next demonic conservative ridicule-machine but watching Meade’s mommy, Ann Althouse,.
Oh no, Democrats in Wisconsin are...attacking representative democracy itself! I suppose the "fleebaggers" would like to say that current public opinion polls ought to replace the results of the last.
Essentially all quotes -- whether of text or video excerpts or whatever -- are literally "out of context." If you're going to try to imply that a quotation or excerpt.
Shorter Verbatim Althouse: "The Democrats would love to do the same thing to the Republicans. They wouldn't hesitate to exploit something that captures the public's attention and provides leverage for.