The Biden administration recently released the first-ever United States Strategy on Countering Corruption (PDF). I'm not an expert on the technical side of anti-corruption efforts, but my quick read of.
The Senate overrode Trump's veto of the National Defense Authorization Act earlier today, by an 81-13 vote. Most of the chatter about the bill has focused on its provision to.
Another day, another corrupt Trump loyalist gets access to the nation's most important secrets. President Donald Trump’s new acting intelligence director, Richard Grenell, used to do consulting work on behalf.
Lev Parnas is a crook and a liar; he played a non-trivial role in spreading the web of lies at the heart of the Orange Extortion scandal. Marcy Wheeler writes.

The consequences of the Trump administration have been both depressing and predictable. The only uncertainty: the scope and speed of the cruelty inflicted on the vulnerable and the ultimate extent.
Scott Gilmore, writing in Maclean's recommends that American allies use, in effect, targeted sanctions against the President of the United States. These efforts, like the diplomatic strategies before now, will not.

With only superficial changes, Jeffrey Sonnenfeld's new piece in Politico could have appeared—at one time or another—in a pro-government outlet in, say, Azerbaijan, North Korea,.