Ann's reply to the Times' "all the young male bloggers" piece is indeed priceless.
"Some" (researchers who have tested the proposition) have found that injecting yourself with a hormone derived from the urine of pregnant women while eating a starvation diet of 500 calories.
Heavily tilted towards the Republicans, despite Democratic control of the White House and Senate. And the media's crush on President John McCain continues despite his rejection by the electorate --.
The walking-punchline Daily Tucker hires blogger who will be relevant if 1997 ever comes back. The site that broke the JournoList non-scandal hires a man obsessed with Ezra Klein --.
From an excellent David Carr article about the decline of the Tribune Company, a representative anecdote: Mr. Michaels, a former radio executive and disc jockey, had been handpicked by Sam.
In a quite remarkable coup, The Politico has managed to anchor its new opinion section with some fresh, underexposed faces, presented in a highly original format in a very unusual.
On March 17, 2007, I was invited to join Journolist. I reprint the full e-mail invitation below, without permission, because that's just the way I roll: Over the past few.
Like Matt, I think that Carr has the Post dead to rights on its double standards. A couple additional points: The analogy is pretty direct. If I understand, the justification.