Like Boehlert, I'd love to see some evidence for the assumptions that the typical American is "obsessed" with the Kardashian wedding and it's common to be worried about how to.
The name may change, but the standards of journamalism remain the same...
Shorter Verbatim WaPo ombudsman Patrick Pexton: If your politics are liberal and you don’t generally read Rubin, but you read her Norway posts, you probably would be pretty offended. But.
Apparently, the phone hacking scandal doesn't just implicate people within the Murdoch crime family. Meanwhile, Consigliere Brooks has been arrested. Hopefully this time the questioning officers won't accept Fox News.
Joshua Green is, in a way, right -- Paul Ryan's expensive bottle of wine is like John Edward's expensive haircut. It's a farcical non-story, in other words. It's bad that.
Apparently, a complete dick has been suspended by MSNBC for one of the least offensive things he's ever said.
Hertzberg does a great job of explaining why trying to pretend that scandals involving consensual sex are actually relevant won't fly: By itself, the fact that a person has lied.
Politico is the latest outlet claiming that Democrats are obligated not to tell the truth about the plan supported by almost every Republican House member to end Medicare. At least.