Jonah Goldberg
As best I can fathom, this appears to be a sincere fan letter to Jonah Goldberg:When I see people at Crooked Timber open threads asking why they should take you.
Quite possibly the most backwards historical claim you'll read all day, from You Know Who:The progressives believed in authoritarianism and out-of-control executive power precisely because they were progressives. And the.
The universe acknowledges today's official release of the Pantload's pantload. For those who aren't completely sick of thinking about the Doughy one, Dave Neiwert's review is well worth the read.The.
February 1, 1933:All about us the warning signs of [the nation's] collapse are apparent. Communism with its method of madness is making a powerful and insidious attack upon our dismayed.
Ed Driscoll, whose erection seems to have endured for more than four hours:As Jonah Goldberg has written recently, the Amazon page for his upcoming book has become one of the.