Jonah Goldberg
Jonah Goldberg looks to Domino's Pizza to explain how the GOP might renew itself in 2010 and beyond. I have been staring at the computer for ten minutes now, trying.
We're all liberal fascists now.
Reprising Andy McCarthy's inane meme, the Pantload thinks Iraqi journalists should at least be grateful enough to recognize that George W. Bush made them free enough to hurl shoes at.
Jonah Goldberg wants "non-culty Obama supporters" to admit that it's "creepy" when a man -- driven to desperation for who knows what reason -- throws himself off a bridge and.
Pantload's mommy gets an e-mail:Dear Lucy,Stephan spent much of the summer on a college program in Italy, and when hearrived home he announced the most talked about, most read, most.
I don't have much to add to this appropriately purple reaction to Herr Pantload's latest trip to the Diaper Genie. I will, however, draw attention to Goldberg's atrocious implication that.
Shorter Jonah Goldberg: Obama's "patriotism problem" is that he isn't a complacent reactionary like me. Exactly the kind of logic that led to the National Review's "patriotic" defense of apartheid..
Today is the 65th anniversary of Joseph Goebbels' notorious Sportpalast speech, in which he called for "total war" against the Bolshevik peril, which had just turned back the German armies.