John Paul Stevens
Once again, the kids are engaging in direct action on American gun extremism: More than 40 students from across Wisconsin embarked on a four-day, 50-mile march from Madison to Janesville,.
John Paul Stevens remains a national treasure, as he calls for repealing the Second Amendment. Rarely in my lifetime have I seen the type of civic engagement schoolchildren and their.
Occasioned by his recent NYRB article about the death penalty, I have a new American Prospect article about John Paul Stevens and equal protection. I think that his relatively obscure.
No huge surprise here, but John Paul Stevens will be resigning this summer. [UPDATE: more from Liptak.] I hope Obama will consider that since 1916 this seat on the Court.
Given what bean correctly identifies as the complexity of today's ruling in Baze v. Rees, I'll have to leave discussion of the fractured holding until tomorrow. For now, let me.