jefferson beauregard sessions III
Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III has definitely not given up on his crusade to end legal weed. “We’re working on that very hard right now,” he said when asked if the.
The Washington Post just published a story—although one based on the accounts of unnamed U.S. Officials—which you really need to go read. Here's how it starts: Russia’s ambassador to Washington.

When he takes a break from dropping his ridiculously awesome sense of humor that mere mortals would call racism, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III is continuing his reign of terror against.
What kind of fun does Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III have lined up for us? Restarting the highway that leads black and brown people straight into prison for non-violent crimes! Law.

As I have stated before, any senator who votes to confirm Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III as Attorney General should be expelled from the Democratic Party. Charlie Pierce agrees: There is.
As the confirmation hearing for Nathan Bedford Forrest to serve as Attorney General goes on today, Adam Serwer does a great deep dive into the one case that Forrest and.
Your nominee for Attorney General: The man who President-elect Donald Trump will nominate as the 84th attorney general of the United States was once rejected as.
Classic.Although, like David Broder, I have to agree that it's appalling that they're willing to allow Al Franken to serve in a body with such intellectual titans as Jeff Sessions.