The great jazz trumpeter has passed, way too young. I saw him play with Other Dimensions in Music (also featuring William Parker, Rashid Bakr, and Daniel Carter) in Atlanta in.
Edward Bland’s 1959 documentary The Cry of Jazz is one of the most remarkable films I’ve ever seen. An early statement of the black nationalism that would become famous in.
For your Saturday night, Louis Armstrong in Copenhagen, either 1933 or 1934 (sources use different dates). This has to be one of the first recordings of live music on film..
Sure it might be a cliche, but Charlie Haden at least believes that the people united will never be defeated. Besides, we need more leftist jazz.
Ornette Coleman's 1980 attempt to put together an all-white cover band of his own songs in order to create an audience for his music, since white people were more willing.
Sun Ra's business card. It's a good question.
The great saxophonist David S. Ware has passed at the age of 62. I knew he had been sick for a long time. He received a kidney transplant 2 years.
The great guitarist for Miles Davis' mid-70s bands has passed. Very sad. [SL]: A backhanded tribute to a great innovator: "Howlin' Wolf looked at me and he said 'Why don't.