And we have ourselves a ground invasion of Gaza. A week ago, I did not expect this. If the Israelis want to push this, Hamas cannot win in any conventional.
I've been writing an opinion column for ten years, and something I've noticed about what that role does to you (meaning me) is that it more or less impels you.
The ante is rhetorically upped:“The goal of the operation is to topple Hamas,” Haim Ramon, the deputy to Ehud Olmert, the Prime Minister, said. It was the first time since.
Via Ackerman, Gershon Shafir:First, Israel is about to exhaust obvious and legitimate military targets, especially those available for aerial bombardment, even under their broadest interpretation. Admittedly Hamas never seriously tried.
To be clear, I think that the Israeli air campaign against Gaza will end up being destructive, and, from a political point of view, pointless at best. That said, the.
The New York Times shows the stupid:But it has another goal as well: to expunge the ghost of its flawed 2006 war against Hezbollah in Lebanon and re-establish Israeli deterrence....“There.
Olmert is right; the settlements are poison to Israel. Noam Arnon, a settler who lives in Hebron, said that with the eviction, Barak was destroying not only his Labor Party,.
Settlements, Bailouts, and the Roman RepublicSo now Ehud Olmert thinks that Israel needs to uproot the settlements and withdraw from Jerusalem and the West Bank. That's kind of interesting in.