I agree with Ackerman and Yglesias that defining "pro-Israel" on the basis of belief in a particular narrative of national foundation is ridiculous and absurd. In addition to being practically.
Spencer:But he [Avigdor Lieberman] also had a formulation that I haven't seen before: First of all, we really don’t have any intention to change the demographic balance in Judea and.
Short term, tactical thinking:When Israel first encountered Islamists in Gaza in the 1970s and '80s, they seemed focused on studying the Quran, not on confrontation with Israel. The Israeli government.
I simply do not understand how anyone could believe that the Israeli military operations in Gaza would result in the overthrow of Hamas:If there is any significant disenchantment with Hamas.
It's irrelevant whether Hamas fighters avoided contact with the IDF because of orders, or because they were afraid. The answer, not that it matters, is both; guerrillas should be afraid.
Watch Frum claim that the West Bank is not under occupation, and then watch Frum get his ass handed to him. In addition to the substantial portions of the West.
The Provost at UK has launched a "War on Attrition", designed to mobilize faculty around the goal of keeping economically marginal students in school during the recession. In spite of.
I'm sure this will be productive:A proposed resolution by a major Ontario union to ban Israeli academics at the province's universities has sparked a bitter debate between leaders of both.