It hardly needs to be said that Hamas is the biggest bunch of assholes in the world, except perhaps for Benjamin Netanyahu and the Likud Party. But there's no question.
I don't know how many of you subscribe to the New York Review of Books, but let me support Cheryl's position that the NYRB has improved dramatically in the last.
Syria, as seen from the Golan Heights. Photo by author. The New York Times gets it right. The administration has tried many forms of pressure and admonition, including public statements,.
Is there a number? Is it all? I'm not sure these kids born after the Hamas attacks in Israel deserve to die for the sins of Hamas..... Sahar al-Zebdda was.
I can only imagine the difficulty of being a committed leftist in Israel today. Actually caring about the fate of the people in Gaza and the West Bank puts you.
South Africa's charges that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza has reached the International Court of Justice, which at least means the world is taking it seriously. The reality is.
I am glad the Times took on the issue of the shock union leaders have felt over the grassroots effort to get union leadership to support the cause of Palestine..
I was quite surprised when the United Auto Workers leadership came out to demand a ceasefire to Israel's war-crimes in Gaza. This is a long ways from the AFL-CIA days.