Iraq war
I've been off in some kind of alternate universe for the past several days, so forgive me for being quite probably the last person on the planet to drop his.
If Hillary comes out with a proposal for a Department of Anti-Robot Affairs, I'll switch my support. More seriously, the overall effect of "robot surges" seems to be to shift.
Like the President, I gave up golf in order to honor the sacrifice of our soldiers in Iraq. Last year, I gave up non-diet pop to honor our soldiers in.
And so it goes:U.S. forces are holding nearly all of these [24,000] persons indefinitely, without an arrest warrant, without charge, and with no opportunity for those held to defend themselves.
Fantastic:When Specialist Jeremy Hall held a meeting last July for atheists and freethinkers at Camp Speicher in Iraq, he was excited, he said, to see an officer attending.But minutes into.
Phil Carter and Eli Lake, in reference to the article discussed here:Does it look to anyone else as if Eli is smoking a joint? One of the interesting things about.
I guess that "purge" of the Iraqi Army wasn't as efficient as Mickey Kaus suggested...A company of Iraqi soldiers abandoned their positions on Tuesday night in Sadr City, defying American.
Congressional Budget Office, The Long-Term Implications of Current Defense Plans: Summary Update for Fiscal Year 2005In its cost-risk projections, CBO assumes that activities in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere could cost.