Iraq war
This is the grave of Michael Kelly. Born in Washington, D.C. in 1957, this utter creature of the Beltway, this King of the Blob, this lover of bombing brown people.
This is a guest post by Jacqueline L. Hazelton. Dr. Hazelton is an assistant professor in the Department of Strategy and Policy at the Naval War College. I asked her.
This is the grave of Chris Kyle. Born in 1974 in Odessa, Texas, Kyle wanted to become a rodeo star. But as happens in that utterly insane sport, he suffered.
"Chilcot says there was no need to go to war in March 2003." And . . . "Blair “overestimated his ability” to influence US decisions on Iraq." "the inquiry does.
The sound you hear is the continuing implosion of Jeb Bush. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) said on Thursday during a campaign stop in Iowa that "taking out Saddam.
If I'm Doug Feith or Dick Cheney or Paul Wolfowitz, this is just crazy talk. An aid worker who travels to Raqqa said the ranks of ISIS were filled with.
I've been ruminating for a while about this John Judis column on lefty reluctance to engage in Syria. Ali Gharib has a good response here, and Dan Trombly here; suffice.
Over at the Diplomat a take a stab at thinking about how memory of the Iraq War will matter: The tenth anniversary of the launch of the Iraq War has.