I have an article at Pragati: Indian National Interest Review about the treatment of India in the 2010 QDR. The title ("Putting India on the Atlantic") isn't mine, but it's.
2006 QDR:India is emerging as a great power and a key strategic partner. On July 18, 2005 the President and Indian Prime Minister declared their resolve to transform the U.S.-India.
Congratulations of a sort are due India, which just launched its first nuclear ballistic missile submarine. The boat was built with Russian assistance, which makes sense because it kind of.
Via Galrahn, a PLAN anti-piracy force was stalked by an Indian submarine:An Indian Kilo class submarine spooked Chinese warships that were sent to patrol pirate infested waters in the Gulf.
Speaking of nuclear deterrence, check out this report from Robert Norris and Hans Kristensen on Indian nuclear capabilities. Brief summary; India currently has 50-70 operational warheads, and its only reliable.
Ezra Klein and Tim Fernholz are having some fun kicking around Christopher Hitchens argument that we should defiantly refer to the city currently known as Mumbai as Bombay. See also. not buy aircraft carriers from Russia. These photographs are pretty awesome (even seen an aircraft carrier in the middle of a field of snow?), but do not fill one.
Dan Nexon has a good post about the frenzy of dealmaking that the Bush administration is pursuing in an effort to "lock in" policy preferences before the transition to a.