income inequality
Geoff Colvin at Fortune has precisely the reaction to the income inequality debate as you'd expect: "BORING!!!!" I suspect I’m not the only one suffering from severe inequality fatigue. The.
Peter Van Buren provides an absolutely outstanding rundown of the New Gilded Age, even if he doesn't use the term. An excerpt to remind you of the glories of 21st.
What? Why does the United States only have the 4th highest level of income inequality in the (rather broadly defined) developed world? This nation did not steal half of Mexico.
Glad to see Maryland following Connecticut in creating a $10.10 minimum wage. That's still too low but it's a nice jump. It also continues to build a real red state-blue.
I can't recommend this Stephen Bezruchka essay on structural inequality and infant mortality strongly enough. Just a quick excerpt: Everyone in a society gains when children grow up to be.
The AFL-CIO has produced a report on the impacts of NAFTA 20 years after passage. Although the impacts are probably familiar to you, it's worth a read anyway. The summary:.
America, 2014. A nation where working age people now are the majority of food stamp recipients. I see no alternative other than cutting food stamps to get these lazy welfare.