No doubt the solution to drug smuggling tunnels between the U.S. and Mexico is higher border walls. And the drones America's favorite racist Sheriff Joe Arapio wants to deploy to.
It's pretty typical that Drudge would invoke the fear of salsa overtaking ketchup as America's favorite condiment in his culture wars. Personally, I say Viva Reconquista. If ketchup is the.
We will have a much better country now that the administration has prioritized bombing Syria for reasons no one can adequately explain instead of fighting for the millions of undocumented.
Glad to see the Mexican immigrants killed in a 1948 plane crash near Fresno on an federal plane deporting them back to Mexico finally remembered with a proper gravestone. Woody.
I have to admit that I was optimistic that meaningful immigration reform would happen in 2013. Although I didn't think I could underestimate the Republican commitment to white supremacy, I.
Your daily American racist.
Good that John McCain is so giddy about creating what he calls the most militarized border since the Berlin Wall with the immigration bill. I mean, that turned out pretty.
Really, it can't happen fast enough. Deaths exceeded births among non-Hispanic white Americans for the first time in at least a century, according to new census data, a benchmark that.