On May 26, 1924, the doors of the United States closed to most immigrants as President Calvin Coolidge signed the Immigration Act of 1924. The law set the yearly quota.
Outstanding Ian Urbina story on the exploitation of people held in immigrant detention centers. The immigration detention system serves as a nearly unpaid labor force thanks to the privatized prison.
In comments last night, dollared said this about the decline of unionized meatpacking: Allowing free immigration and mass union busting by illegal aliens. Never, ever, ever should have happened. 800,000-1M.
On February 15, 1907, President Theodore Roosevelt and the Japanese government signed the so-called "Gentlemen's Agreement" to stop the migration of Japanese to the United States. This came about after.
An examination of where Mexican-Americans live in the United States shows they still mostly live in Mexico, or at least what Mexico was before the United States unjustly stole it.
Perhaps the blackest mark on the Obama Administration has been the significantly harsher enforcement of American immigration law and the subsequent deportation of people, breaking up families. Twelve-year-old Jason Penate.
Michelle Chen provides a useful overview of the intertwined environmental and humanitarian disaster of American policies toward the Mexican border. She covers several important issues. To excerpt from her introduction:.
This is just terrible. The US Border Patrol will continue using lethal force against people throwing rocks, as well as people inside vehicles—ignoring a set of recommendations from an independent.