human security

Back from vacation and back on the grid. Hmm, what have I missed in the last couple of weeks? 1) Ooh, looks like the BP oil spill is capped for.
Ford Madox Ford once wrote: "Open the book to page ninety-nine and read, and the quality of the whole will be revealed to you." Apparently there is an entire blog.
Lt. Gen. Michael Oates is worried that excessive adherence to war law might be undermining military effectiveness in Afghanistan: Commanders in Iraq and Afghanistan have been reluctant to launch more.
The outing of Army Specialist Bradley Manning for his alleged role in leaking classified documents to Wikileaks raises a number of questions in my mind about the relationship between whistle-blowing,.
The US intelligence analyst who leaked the footage that resulted in Wikileaks' infamous "Collateral Murder" video has been outed by a hacker to whom he boasted of his actions online,.
I’ve been meaning to comment for awhile on the March/April print issue of Foreign Policy , and I finally got around to posting my observations at Current Intelligence. In brief,.
At Shadow Government, William Tobey covers the ongoing Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review conference and provides a useful overview of how the debate is being shaped by strategic framing of the.
Gary Haugen and Victor Boutrous have a useful article in the new print version of Foreign Affairs, pointing out that all the human rights standards in the land mean nothing.