human rights
And so it goes:U.S. forces are holding nearly all of these [24,000] persons indefinitely, without an arrest warrant, without charge, and with no opportunity for those held to defend themselves.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.The New York Times reported today on two new reports (one from the Sentencing Project and one from Human Rights Watch).
So apparently Dr. Seuss is supporting the anti-abortion movement. Or at least, they like to say he is (or did) -- despite the fact that Seuss made it clear during.
Dave's post on Confederate nostalgia premised on an imaginary commitment to "States' Rights" reminds me that one reason why John Marshall Harlan's dissent in the Civil Rights Cases is one.
Nearly 200 years ago, on 11 February 1812, free white child named Alexander Hamilton Stephens was born on a nondescript Georgia farm. He was a frail, sickly boy whose weight.
Charli at Duck has an interesting notion:One of the articles I read as I prepped for this trip suggested that either the Holy See should lose this status or, to.
Charli Carpenter at Duck:My quote, attributed to Edmund Burke, read "the only thing necessary for the persistence of evil is for good people to do nothing." It is commonly quoted.
Blogger and commentator Heather Wokusch lists the top-ten worst Bush appointees for reproductive health and rights -- the people whose noses Bush has allowed to intrude most into your bedroom..