Sure, interest rates are low. But we are about to enter into a horrifying housing crisis and millions of people lack work. In New England, it is likely to be.
Look, there's plenty of reason to pay attention to the horrors of the Trump administration. But let's say that Donald Trump didn't exist and the Republican Party was not a.
Great decision by the Obama administration to not bring charges against any of the banksters involved in destroying the lives of Americans: Michaela Christian lost a long battle with Wells.
Redlining, the mid-twentieth century federal effort to determine home loan viability based upon the racial makeup of neighborhoods, both reflected long standing white supremacy and created new structures of white.
Great Julien Brave NoiseCat article in High Country News about the problems Native Americans face with housing, whether they live in cities (as they often do yet they are ignored.
This nation has flat out never integrated and liberal whites are as responsible for it as conservative whites. Using tract-level census data for 24 large metro areas, my co-authors and.
Affordable housing lotteries in New York are really a sign of just how woeful the housing situation is in that city for the poor, not to mention the middle class..
On January 1, 1935, the Carl Mackley Houses opened in Philadelphia. Built in conjunction with the Hosiery Workers Union, this project represents one of several attempts during the New Deal.