On April 29, 1996, Charles Kernaghan of the National Labor Committee testified before House Democrats on Labor Committee that he had discovered sweatshop labor on Kathie Lee Gifford branded clothing.
Good news from a country that rarely sees it: President Xiomara Castro of Honduras signed an executive order on Wednesday that lifted a longtime ban on emergency contraceptive pills, delivering.
Good Nation piece on the how the U.S. increasingly gets the governments of Mexico and Central America to do its dirty deeds of keeping migrants out of the country for.
In 1969, a Peace Corps volunteer in Honduras named Ron Anderson decided to make a film about what life was like for the volunteers. It's actually quite an introspective look.

I certainly understand why we are focusing on the terrible actions of terrible sexual abusers and harassers today. Unfortunately, there are all sorts of other horrible things happening around us.
Yet another way to celebrate American awesomeness today before you blow off your fingers and, even worse, put ketchup on your hot dogs, is to remember how we rely on.
How Do You Create the Labor Force for the Maquiladoras and to Work in the Gardens of Rich Americans?
Above: Honduran sweatshop workers, i.e., people with histories One of the worst parts of the debate on the globalization of production is the discussion of workers. For promoters of uncontrolled.
Hondurans migrating north to the United States The flood of children from Central America to U.S. borders that so freaked out conservatives last year has largely abated, but that doesn't.