All get two minutes for looking so good.
Since Charli has noted the ways in which Marc Thiessen is wrong in ways that are grossly immoral and dangerous for national security, I'll note that like so many modern.
I guess the lesson is that the Bruins should avoid 3-0 leads of all kinds...
I hate to disagree with Charles Pierce -- see here for one of many posts I can endorse entirely -- but I really can't agree that the technically correct but.
There's not much more to be said about yesterday's game -- it's just nice that after the two most anticipated medal round games of an otherwise excellent tournament fizzled it.
Thers seems to be under the brave but very mistaken idea that the Americans' fluke victory over Canada will be replicated. (Despite the Ygleasias curse!) Hence, he will be generously.
And in anticipation of what should be the highlight of the Games, hopefully Joe Thornton is being told to channel the spirit of John Tonelli.Most importantly of all, let's hope.
While I can understand the enthusiasm about the first American win against Canada since 1960, I think prudence dictates leaving this kind of post until after the medal round.Still, the.