Let me outsource my Hitchens commentary to Phil Nugent... For this, Hitchens gives Chomsky a sound, blunt bashing upside his pointy little head, which is what Chomsky deserves and what Hitchens is good for, The one problematic thing about the essay is that, when a...
People seem to be falling over themselves to link to Christopher Hitchens' latest rant on Henry Kissinger. It's a good rant, and I'm generally of the opinion that we should.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!....if laughing at the misfortune of Christopher Hitchens is wrong, I don't want to be right.
Ezra Klein and Tim Fernholz are having some fun kicking around Christopher Hitchens argument that we should defiantly refer to the city currently known as Mumbai as Bombay. See also Isaac Chotiner. When you're siding with Hitchens against Klein you should probably be careful, but...
Christopher Hitchens has returned from an alternate dimension, bringing a tale of terror and woe. Actually, that would explain a lot...If someone hacked Hitch's gmail account and activated Mail Goggles,.
Some thoughts on this comment thread:DJW is absolutely correct to follow up Matt's condemnation of Dawkins statement on Catholicism. It isn't just illiberal; it's virtually totalitarian. Dawkins is, essentially, arguing.