hillary clinton
Geraldine Ferraro refuses to back off her claim that Obama has gotten so far in the presidential primary because he is black. In fact, she's made things worse, saying:"Racism works.
I agree with publius: this reject and renounce game could be fun to watch. What will HRC say?
I don't agree with every particular of the argument -- it's a little problematic to tie Hillary Clinton too strongly with her husband's administration (granting that much of the tying.
Check out this mashup of Clinton's red phone ad with GOP attack ads and Bill Clinton's take on fear and hope:Frankly, I think Hillary Clinton deserves a much better campaign.
Kevin Drum objects to my argument about experience, claiming that Obama's experience will be a disadvantage against McCain but Clinton's would not. I'm not entirely convinced. It's worth untangling the.
I had it on while doing other work and then watched it at the gym, so I didn't see at all, but it should be noted that I don't know.
So, Patti Solis Doyle, Hillary Clinton's campaign manager, is out. She's being replaced by longtime Clinton advisor Maggie Williams. The Clinton camp insists that this is no nervous nellie shakeup..
Yglesias points out the problems with Ambinder's claim that "Obama cannot win the states where the majority of Democrats reside": i.e. it's a more tendentious way of saying that "Clinton.