health care
Over the past couple of years four people I've had some sort of relationship with were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, so I've gotten to know more than I ever wanted.
Bobo engages in his trademark style of argument, focusing on abstractions and ignoring evidence about whether or not markets actually work for a given problem. Cohn does a good job.
Yglesias: Watching Paul Ryan earlier today talking at the Peterson Fiscal Summit I was amazed by the number of times he said the word “Mediscare,” which is a conservative jargon.
On the question of whether Bernie Sanders is awesome, the answer is here. And as for my Senator... well, he certainly has nice hair.
Health care is not a regular consumer good in which normal market incentives apply.
D.C. federal district judge Gladys Kessler issued the latest ruling, reinforcing the partisan trend. Her opinion is a very solid piece of work, and provides a good account of the.
Atrios is optimistic*: Federal judge strikes down whole law, sez mandate is unconstitutional and cannot be severed from rest of law. Maybe we'll return to my crazy idea to pay.
As expected, Vinson struck down the mandate, and also argued that it couldn't be severed. My initial thoughts are up on TAPPED. The short version is that it probably doesn't.