health care
This is even stupider than the usual Republican paranoia. Evidently, Obama is trying to destroy the NFL--by planning to run ads during NFL games this fall explaining the details of.
A year and a half ago, a friend and former student had a sudden, unexpected medical emergency. She's telling her story here, and it's fantastic stuff. Start at the beginning:.
I'll have a piece up shortly at Salon about why it's basically nuts that John Roberts gets to decide what sort of health care system America has. It quotes a.
Not that we should be surprised that Jim DeMint is calling for nullification of the health care law. “I urge every governor to stop implementing the health care exchanges that.
Robert Wright is wondering why the Affordable Care Act wasn't just a straightforward use of the tax power, and his analysis is of course focused on the median votes of.
Given the amount of pushback, I decided to make my argument about legitimacy and the ACA at much greater length. A lot of people seem to think that this particular.
Jon Cohn has a good post about a subject that's on a lot of minds given the hostile reception the ACA received at the Supreme Court this week: judicial legitimacy. .
I have some thoughts at CIF about why the challengers to the ACA simultaneously argue that the mandate isn't a regulation of interstate commerce and is so essential to a.