health care
Matt Yglesias points out he doesn't really think that raising sin taxes will reduce health care costs. And he doesn't make that argument in the post in which I attributed.
This Yglesias post reflects a group of beliefs regarding public health that tend to cut across ideological lines, probably because they resonate with some deeply embedded cultural puritanism that affects.
Long-time readers will know I agree entirely with this:So that’s the context in which to ask whether or not it makes sense to have a supermajority requirement for many Senate.
This abominable rule shouldn't survive the first week of the Obama presidency; the fact that it will -- because reversing it takes a good bit of time and squanders resources.
Further proof that the Bush administration thinks it is above the law, or that the law is just not worth following: according to the government accountability office (GAO) the administration's.
If, like me, you've ever wondered what it would be like to cuddle up on a drugged Glenn Beck's chest while he gurgled cryptic aphorisms about health care and compassion,.
Bush vetoed S-Chip today. Again. As in, for the second time. Why? Well, here's what White House Spokesperson Dana Perino had to say:“This Congress failed to send the president legislation.
Krugman body slams Giuliani (and the msm's coverage of the candidate) today in his column. Feeling feisty, Krugman takes on Rudy's claim that American men have much higher prostate cancer.