Leave it to the geniuses at Politico to win the award for Worst Media Response to Todd Akin's rape comments. Dave Catanese stepped up to the plate on this one:.
It's really hard to see how Adam Davidson's tenure at NPR can continue after this powerful report linking his "journalism" to his real job as a paid shill for the.
Neil Munro, briefly famous for interrupting Obama last week since he knew the president wasn't going to take questions, refuses to take questions about his actions.
You can always count on Digby to completely tear apart someone like Fareed Zakaria, who blathered on about the need for Democrats to follow the lead of Andrew Cuomo and.
I just don't understand some types of liberals. This is particularly true of the self-hating liberal who consistently believes that if we only ignored those naughty conservatives like Rush Limbaugh.
Ruben Navarrette suffers from the condition known as Beltwayitis. It's when pundits and politicians hang out together all the time without ever discussing anything of substance that might get in.
E.J. Dionne's op-ed today imbibes deeply in a mythological view of conservatism's past. Noting what he sees as a traditional conservative embrace of community over individualism, Dionne cherry-picks his way.
I'm glad the highly principled Lanny Davis has come to the defense of helpless Cory Booker and against Democrats' mean attacks on both the mayor of Newark and Mittens' experience.