Back to my favorite topic. As everyone should know by this point, there's absolutely no logical or historical basis for the idea that people have the right to walk around.
President Obama is proposing quite an expansive set of gun control legislation. It's very impressive and it'll be interesting to see whether it can past. In a sense, this will.
The NRA argues that if only the good guys all had guns, they would shoot the bad guys and magically we wouldn't have any gun violence. Or something strange like.
"when Adam Lanza started shooting his way into Sandy Hook Elementary School last Friday, he’d been confronted by qualified armed security?" asked Wayne LaPierre earlier today? We don't know, to.
The University of Colorado caved to the gun lobby and created gun-friendly dorms. At the present, there are floors that are gun-friendly. A dorm for the armed is opening in.
The gun industry's response to the call for stricter gun laws after mass murder after mass murder (see today among others) is outrageous and awful. Lawmakers are proposing, among other.
Reading CJ Chivers' The Gun, which is more of a history of automatic firearms than of the AK-47 itself. He mentions this advertisement, which is just 95 kinds of awesome..