The NRA has a new president. He is very special. Jim Porter is an Alabama lawyer. He is also a neo-Confederate Obama-hater who talks about "the war of northern aggression,".
Dear People Who Hold My Future in Your Hands, When you distanced yourself from this lowly history professor last fall for daring to use a violent metaphor against moral monster.
This is a weird story, but it totally makes sense that a doctor handing out illegal prescriptions would use this argument: Dr. Gracia Mayard, 61, is accused of distributing oxycodone.
That's right, the National Rifle Association. And it isn't even close.
I don't know how I missed this: Missouri state Rep. Mike Leara (R) loves the Second Amendment so much he wants to make it a felony for state lawmakers to.
Quite a contest for today's craziest person. Here's three nominees: 1. Gun Owners of America president Larry Pratt: Pratt predicted that President Obama may begin confiscating guns in order to.
Obama "VIPER" Death Squads v The Second Amendment. From the original MJ story: Various tea party activists, libertarian websites and other conspiracy-minded Obama haters are claiming that Russian security forces have.
One myth missing is that we need guns to overthrow the tyrannical government, because I like my chances with an AR-15 against an M1A2 or five, but the ten listed.