What are our very nice friends at the National Rifle Association up to these days? The world of make-believe can be a scary place, but never fear: Thanks to a.
Terrible, awful, no good stuff in Brussels. But for context. Estimated number of deaths in Paris and Brussels attacks combined: 158 Estimated number of deaths due to gun violence in.
This group of right-wing Brazil politicians is thinking smartly and taking a page from the National Rifle Association by deciding that the only solution to their nation's murder problems is.
Three years ago yesterday, the Sandy Hook Massacre took place, killing 26 small children and teachers. The American response to this horror? In Kansas, gun owners can now carry concealed.
Sure, I'd like to repeal the Second Amendment and get rid of most guns in our society, outside of hunting rifles I guess. That's not going to happen. The mass.
Hondurans migrating north to the United States The flood of children from Central America to U.S. borders that so freaked out conservatives last year has largely abated, but that doesn't.
Amazing and beautiful: University of Texas students announced a plan to openly carry dildos in response to a new “campus carry” law that takes effect next year. The Facebook page.
Conservatives, including the conservative I ended up across the table from last weekend who I told that I wanted the government to invade his home and take his guns, love.