great depression
Above: Not people migrating to work at the River Rouge in Dearborn. Although I write more about labor history in the public sphere, my academic training is in environmental history..
On March 15, 1940, John Ford's film version of John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath, was released to universal acclaim. This was perhaps the greatest moment of the cultural left.
I really object to this analysis that calls Sullivan's Travels "reactionary" toward the poor and poverty. Evidently the writer actually wanted to see "Oh Brother Where Art Thou" or that.
Last weekend I was in New York for the Jason Isbell show (which I did not think was all that good. As much as I like his songs, playing 8.
On October 19, 1935, the American Federation of Labor was holding its convention in Atlantic City. While usually a staid affair, this convention was rocked by a fight on stage.
Between 1935 and 1945, photographers employed by the Farm Security Administration documented the nation and its people as it suffered through and emerged from the Great Depression. 170,000 images remain..
On May 6, 1935, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt issued Executive Order 7034 creating the Works Progress Administration (WPA). Passed and funded by Congress in the Emergency Relief Appropriations Act of.
On April 12, 1934, workers at the Electric Auto-Lite Company in Toledo walked off the job in a strike that united unionized labor and the unemployed, creating a social movement.