Great Britain

On May 4, 1926, workers in the United Kingdom started a general strike to protest the terrible actions against the nation's striking coal miners. 1.7 million workers walked off the.
On March 6, 1984, the British coal strike against Margret Thatcher's union-busting and privatization began. This strike would threaten to shut off the nation's energy supplies. It was also started.
The British leaving the EU really opens up the possibilities for those of us who missed the old days of the British and French killing each other over this and.
One of the single biggest problems in global governance is the mania to move money across the globe to tax havens. We are finally seeing some movement in coordinating internationally.
SONY DSC The climate crisis has multiple dimensions. One of which is the impact on our cultural heritage and the loss of our historical buildings. See what is happening in.
On July 2, 1888, the London matchgirl strike began. In the pantheon of dangerous work, we probably don't often think of making matches. To some extent, this is because the.
On August 14, 1889, workers on the London docks walked out on strike. Over 100,000 workers eventually struck and they won an incredible victory, one of the greatest achievements for.
On March 11, 1811, the Luddite movement began in Arnold, Nottingham, England, when textile workers destroyed the machines where they worked as a protest against the oppression they felt as.