GOP brings the crazy
Like many people, I'm struggling to find evidence of rationality in the suicide caucus strategy and end game here. I get that they're willing to destroy tacit norms of legislative.
I don't know how I missed this: Missouri state Rep. Mike Leara (R) loves the Second Amendment so much he wants to make it a felony for state lawmakers to.
Cain has been receiving quite a bit of press lately as he challenges for the Republican nomination. The NYT discuss him in today's edition here, noting his strong tea-party credentials,.
Via Rick Perlstein, I Conor Freidersdorf has a new blog, The GOP Speaks. He's sent seven innocuous, straightforward questions about the future of the Republican Party to County Republican Party.
El Tinklenberg, who is running for the Minnesota congressional seat currently occupied by professional lunatic Michele Bachmann, saw his campaign bring in nearly half a million dollars in the 24.