It's fascinating to be doing completely unfundable research in the modern university. It means you don't matter to administration. At all. You are completely irrelevant. You add no value. This.
I was happy to be interviewed for this Damon Poeter piece at Venture Beat on activism pressuring Google and other tech companies. Specifically, I talked about the nascent unionization attempt.
Google has some first rate employment practices to deal with racism and sexism, let me tell you what: Benjamin Cruz, a former instructional designer in Google’s Cloud division, was caught.
This is huge: More than 225 Google engineers and other workers have formed a union, the group revealed on Monday, capping years of growing activism at one of the world’s.

Anytime a think tank relies on corporate funding, it makes itself beholden to that corporation. When that corporation is Google and you are New America and one of your groups.
Above: Google approved Gilded Age courting chair. So evidently images from Gilded Age medical journals of what are today known as vibrators are too risque for Google, so horrible.
My colleague Siva Vaidhyanathan, author of The Googlization of Everything forwarded me this interesting piece from Slate, in which ad critic Seth Stevenson tries out a Google service that allows.
Google is backpedaling amid the buzz about Buzz, apologizing for its premature launch and the privacy issues it created, and promising to make Buzz more like other social networking sites,.