go ducks
Don't Fuck with the Ducks!
Four brief points signifying my inability to resolve the contradiction between my contempt for the NCAA cartel and my love of college athletics: 1. Congratulations to the Stanford Cardinal on.
That is all.
Well, that was, uh... decisive. Oregon winning time of possession is not normally a good thing, but the 9:25 drive to end the game was relatively impressive.
This isn't really a rivalry as much as an annual public execution, so it's probably time to stop playing this video: Greatest moment of my life, with the official exceptions.
Ladies and gents, I present the undefeated, number one ranked Oregon Ducks. This is the first #1 ranking in the history of the program. The word is that Boise State.
First Jeremiah Masoli, now Fetch. Kentucky Violated NCAA Rules While Recruiting Basketball-Playing Dog We asked one thing, Calipari; bring us a title that will stand for at least, say, a.
Yes, I am exceedingly displeased that Jermiah Masoli has been charged with burglary. Yes, this does rather seem to be part of a pattern of behavior on the part of.