global warming denial
Do anthropogenic factors play a role in climate change? Some say no:(CNN)– In a late night posting on her Twitter feed, Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin continued to blast climate.
Daniel Davies clearly knows a thing or two about playing the contrarian. His rules for contrarians post is, unsurprisingly, a must-read:The whole idea of contrarianism is that you’re “attacking the.
Syndicated Columnist William F. George:Reducing carbon emissions supposedly will reverse warming, which is allegedly occurring even though, according to statistics published by the World Meteorological Organization, there has not been.
Noah Shachtman notes that the Army has some interesting ideas about global warming:The Army is weighing in on the global warming debate, claiming that climate change is not man-made. Instead,.
Fascinating...Student Matthew LaClair of Kearny, NJ — whose AP Goverment class uses American Goverment — “was particularly upset about the book’s treatment of global warming.”The book’s authors James Q. Wilson.
Between this and this, I'm starting to worry that those doomsday NYC under water scenarios are not far off.