Longtime readers of The Duck of Minerva are surely familiar with Dan Nexon's important work on Svalbard, the Norwegian archipelago that hosts the Doomsday Global Seed Vault. Located on the island of Spitzbergen, the vault -- which is built into the side of a sandstone...
glenn beck
Steve Benen wonders if Roger Ailes is picking the wrong analogy by comparing Fox News -- and Glenn Beck's program more specifically -- to the Alamo. Aside from all the.
Shorter Glenn Beck:Dear Baby Jesus:Please let John McCain win, then die. Or something.love, Glenn
If, like me, you've ever wondered what it would be like to cuddle up on a drugged Glenn Beck's chest while he gurgled cryptic aphorisms about health care and compassion, consider this vlog a belated holiday gift.Between hits of oxy, Beck suggests that his surgery...