Gilded Age
For a very long time, I have expressed frustration that Americans obsessively focus on World War II and the Nazis and don't pay enough attention to their own horrible histories..
This is the grave of Alexander Shepherd. Born in 1835 in Washington, D.C., Shepherd grew up working class, dropped of school at the age of 13, and got a job.
This is the grave of Diamond Jim Brady. Born in New York in 1856, James Buchanan Brady grew in an Irish household. James Buchanan is a pretty gross president to.
You can't really tell here, but from this angle you can kind of see (or I could when I took the picture, it's the white distant thing between the trees).
Why do we celebrate this genocidal and generally horrible person anyway? Turns out that like everything else in this country, it goes back to the history of American racism and.
For seemingly forever, the end of Reconstruction has been taught as the "Compromise of 1877, where Democrats agreed to give the presidency to Rutherford Hayes in return for the end.
This is the grave of Samuel Pomeroy. Born in 1816 in Southampton, Massachusetts, Pomeroy grew up comfortable and went to Amherst College, graduating in 1838. He taught school in New.
For the latest LGM podcast, I talked to Michael Hiltzik, the Pulitzer Prize winning columnist for the Los Angeles Times, about his latest book Iron Empires: Robber Barons, Railroads, and.