gender discrimination
There are a couple of important points worth adding to the story of Tanya Rosenblit, the Israeli woman who refused demands from ultra-Orthodox male passengers to move to the back.
There are two forms of tribalism at work in the immediate Republican defenses of Herman Cain. The first is a desire to protect their vanity candidate, with some shots at.
It's hard to imagine anything good coming from the Supreme Court's decision to grant cert in the Wal-Mart class action discrimination case. Republican Supreme Court Justices have been crucial to.
except when it's private. Shorter NYT: the Chairman of the prestigious country club located in Georgia that somehow still doesn't admit women in the year 2010 rebuked some guy for.
Says it all, doesn't it? And, of course, good that the new Congress acted so quickly to overrule the odious Ledbetter decision. Although the Republican argument that civil rights are.
Hilzoy:You'd think that $5,000 to $14,000 a year would be a small price to pay for putting violent sex offenders behind bars. Apparently, Sarah Palin disagrees.I guess policies that prevent.
Megan Carpentier:When he failed to wow them with his "drill here and drill now" energy plan, or his tax plan or his plan to be out of Iraq for sure.
A Republican minority in the Senate has thwarted attempts to repair the damage done by a bare majority of the Supreme Court in Ledbetter, which determined that companies should be.