gay rights
I probably am enjoying this more than I should. The granddaughter of arch anti-LGBTQ activist Anita Bryant is getting married to another woman, and she doesn’t know whether to invite.
I haven't read Sarah Schulman's history of ACT-UP yet. My understanding is that it is very good and very long. I will get to it. But I wanted to link.
I'm very glad to see OSHA move to protect transgender workers on the job.
This piece argues that climate change could be the next gay marriage in terms of young Republicans supporting meaningful action on it while old Republicans hate the idea of even.
This Frank Rich article on liberal hypocrisy and gay history really annoyed me. Not that Rich is wrong--liberals have not supported gay rights until very recently. But, well, duh? Is.
A lot of interesting stories today, too many to comment upon: 1. Neil Genzlinger on the absurd proliferation of strip club scenes on television. As he points out, the problem.
Reading through the comments here and here and here I'm reminded of the many suggestive parallels between arguments about body diversity and those regarding sexual orientation.To simplify a great deal,.
Since this post has occasioned much unhappiness, I'd like to respond to a few points.(1) The primary defense for open-ended judicial review that deploys vague constitutional generalities (equal protection, substantive.