gay and lesbian rights
An outraged California populace has reacted to the Outrageous Judicial Activism of their unaccountable unelected state court. As you remember, the court, with only the support of other unrepresentative and.
Glenn Greenwald makes the obvious point about Ben Wittes' critique of the California gay marriage decision: for all intents and purposes, there's no argument in it. The shallow, bumper-sticker versions.
David Weigel says that "Politically, I suppose this is bad news for the Democrats, but not nearly as much as in 2004. For one, it's not coming out of a.
The California Supreme Court, six of whose seven members are Republicans, has ruled that the exclusion of same-sex couples from the legal benefits is unconstitutional (pdf). The opinion isn't lucidly.
Writing about the "is sexual orientation genetic or is it a choice?" pointless dichotomy, M. Leblanc makes a point that isn't made often enough:Arguing that things are out of someone's.