gay and lesbian rights
Michelle Goldberg on signals that Obama will rescind "don't ask, don't tell":Granted, he didn’t say when it was going to happen, but it’s definitely an encouraging sign, and one with.
Benen:As part of the transition team's "Open for Questions" project, press secretary Robert Gibbs responded to questions posed online and voted on by visitors to The final inquiry: Is.
Jeffrey Rosen tries to spin the narrow passage of Prop 8 into a triumph for his prediction that In Re: Marriage would instigate a massive backlash, and he's no more.
Kevin Drum suggests that "Obama has a notable streak of temperamental caution that serves him well, but it could also betray him. Maybe he could have turned the tide against.
My prediction that someone would argue that Prop 8 "lends credence to the claims that litigation tends to produce a disproportionate backlash" has been proven correct by Megan McArdle. A.
And, abjuring the wrong side of history, comes out against Prop 8.
I agree with Sanchez and Patashnik that there's no necessary contradiction between Obama's nominal opposition to same-sex marriage and opposition to the California Restoration of Bigotry initiative. As I think.
Obama opposes a rollback of same-sex marriage rights in California; McCain supports it.