free trade
I knew that the House Democratic defeat of Trade Adjustment Assistance as a way to undermine fast track for the Trans Pacific Partnership would be short-lived. There was a lot.
There are somewhat weird arguments liberals make about trade that allows people to easily justify the loss of millions of American jobs because of slight improvements in income for the.
I've been completely overwhelmed this week with end of the semester work. Good thing nothing has happened in the news the last couple of days that might require some historical.
Since Obama conned enough Democrats in the Senate to work with the capitalists for fast track authority on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the debate over the TPP within the Democratic Party.
Robert Reich understands that the Trans-Pacific Partnership really isn't about trade, which is already very free and open. It's about corporate control over the world: Recent trade agreements have been.
Barack Obama gets why income inequality is so stark and why the fortunes of American workers have declined so far in the past forty years. President Barack Obama did an.
Bernie Sanders is taking the lead in attacking the odious Trans-Pacific Partnership, the centerpiece of Obama's trade agenda. Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont is blasting the Obama administration for a.
In yesterday's Trans-Pacific Partnership thread, Brian asks: I understand the issue with “shipping jobs overseas” and how major corporations get near slave labor when they do that. And obviously, there.