free trade
Even if you believe that the Trans-Pacific Partnership will bring benefits to the United States outside of the wealthy, the widespread practice of currency manipulation by the Asian nations included.
Even among progressives today, the idea of tariffs are usually shunned and made fun of like an old racist uncle you have to tolerate at Thanksgiving. Tariffs are what steel.

Finally, details of the Trans-Pacific Partnership are going public. A few points and initial thoughts. The deal would grant multinational corporations the right to challenge laws and regulations in secret.
One of the things that drives me most crazy about the self-congratulatory rhetoric promoters of trade deals routinely use is that free trade is awesome because of the Asian economies.
Marshall Steinbaum reviewed Out of Sight, along with Gabriel Zucman's The Hidden Wealth of Nations in The Boston Review and it was largely positive. An excerpt: Rather than escaping over-burdensome.
My most recent post on History's Greatest Monster Paul Theroux for Caring About American Workers has led to a lot of comments that say a great deal about both ideology.

Dylan Matthews tweeted a while ago: This is the worst article NYT has published in the past year, maybe decade— Dylan Matthews (@dylanmatt) October 3, 2015 So naturally, I.
Any international treaty is going to consist of tradeoffs and choosing priorities. This is what foreign policy is made of. For the Obama administration, when its free trade agenda comes.