free trade
A provocative and important new paper on the political impact of NAFTA and other free trade agreements. Here is the abstract, obviously you should read the whole thing. Why have.
I know that the media loves finding white people in Youngstown and Canton to talk to about their personal lord and savior Donald Trump and repeat the economic anxiety arguments.

Shaun Richman and I have a piece in the Washington Post arguing that while Trump is full of baloney on trade, Democrats continue to be vulnerable on the issue because.
On January 1, 1994, the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) based in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas, began a rebellion to coincide with the implementation of the North.
Of Emperor Tangerine's many ridiculous statements, none is perhaps more out of touch with reality than his tough talk toward Mexico because they have just eaten our lunch since NAFTA,.
I guess I still think the Trans-Pacific Partnership will pass between November 8 and January 20. But my confidence in that prediction is a lot lower than a few months.
Sure the Department of Labor has placed the Vietnamese textile industry on its list of those industries using child and forced labor. But why let that stop us from implementing.
I liked this piece on support for Trump in eastern Colorado, an area which relies on an extremely globalized world in farm products to have any economy at all. Trump.