forced labor
The thing about religious fanaticism (well one of many things) is that can be a very easy excuse for labor exploitation. If you don't work 16 hours a day for.
Another good move from the Biden administration to enforce laws against slave labor making products for import: U.S. officials have begun blocking the import of solar panels that they believe.
Above: A jawbone discovered at a Malaysian human trafficking site This is what happens when you elect a president who cares about labor. United States Customs and Border Protection has.
The AFL-CIO's Solidarity Center has a report out about forced labor from Turkmenistan in the cotton supply chains. It's a pretty bloody awful story. Cotton bound for global markets from.
Usually when I talk about unfree labor, it's overseas in supply chains producing products for western markets. But the U.S. has several of its own systemic versions of unfree labor--widespread.
In Out of Sight, I argue for the need of international enforceable labor standards that empower workers to seek redress for their exploitation through the courts of the company who.